These guys are good vs These guys are nuts
One friend of mine, former colleague from Golf Magazine I used to work organizes every year a whole-day-long tournament on his childhood home’s backyard. Yep, there’s 18 holes, faieways, greens, roughs (from 20 meters to 50 meters) and we play with golf ball size floorball. Only gap or sand wedges are allowed. Amazingly, it’s very close to real golf!
We got alter egos and player names from the top of the golf world. For example my alter ego is borrowed from my childhood idol Corey Pavin. So guys decides my backyard golf name is Ori Pay-Win. Ori is horse in Finnish if that makes more sense ;) I guess not and cannot be surprised. Inside jokes...
Another example: (from the team against us: continue reading…) The President of our unofficial Backyard Golf Association has an alter ego, Jersper Par de Birdie. Borrowed from Jesper Parnevik with mixing it to our President’s real name.
We got two types of tournament: major and the Ryder Cup. These tournaments take turns every second year and basic idea is the same as in professional golf. Backyard major is 4 round long stroke play without handicaps (winner gets green jacket), Ryder Cup, or actually Cider Cup, how it takes it name in our games, is Team USA against Team Europe. Matchplay format and different game formats. During the day there’s drinks around (Gatorade, Gin and to…no, Isotonic!!) and some BBQ as well as the best atmosphere in the world!
I really have to improve this time. Two years ago I lost all my six matches. Like I said, I suck in backyard golf. And still it’s so much FUN every time! Tournament, we all are waiting for from early spring. Time to practice my game face – that’s the day when I shout “Go USA”. Unfortunately, my American subscribers, in the late September when the real Ryder Cup starts at Medinah Country Club in Illinois, I have to turn my jacket again from red to blue ;)
Finally, I reveal our Cider Cup course’s name to publics: Medical Country Club – tells enough, hahah! :) See you next time! Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter & Facebook!
- Olli
@OlliLehtonen in Twitter